Speaking as a lifelong horse-folk, from a horse-folk family, who has worked with some big name horse trainers, currently caretaking two opinionated mares, this is great video with spot on advice and I would love to hear more.

Cookie is adorable.

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She is the MOST adorable horse. I took most of the videos down when I deactivated all of my social media accounts, but there is one still up, I’ll post the link in a bit. At work now.

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Your video blog piece is warm and engaging. I have no doubt the podcast would be the same as your vocal presentation is top notch. It would serve to attract someone like myself who's not ridden a horse to at least hear your thoughts.


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Thank you, Kenneth. Admittedly, the subject matter is restricted to horse-folk (crazy people, all). That was the 67th episode, out of 105, so the delivery was better than the first 15, or so. I am looking forward to the audio podcast simply for the reason that I’ll be able to go deeper into a specific subject. With the video blog, I was always trying to limit the episode to 5 minutes.

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